The Rhyl Masjid & Islamic Cultural Centre runs Qur’anic and Islamic classes for adults and children in order to equip them with vital knowledge required to live a life pleasing to the Creator and to help prepare for the Hereafter. The curriculum is designed to stimulate intellectual discourse, in turn enriching the life of all members of community.

All Praise and Thanks be to Allah سبحانه وتعالي, and then to our Imaam, Shaikh Dr. Abdul Kareem Awad who has been our Imaam for over two decades. He, by the grace of Allah set an outstanding Qur’anic & Islamic Islamic curriculum and started the weekend madrassah at Rhyl Masjid & Islamic Cultural Centre with a handful of children in 1996. The madrassah has since been expanding and improving every year and at present operates from Friday to Sunday every week. Subjects covered include Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah, Islamic Manners & Ettiquete as well as General Islamic Studies, all of which are taught using extensive references from the Qur’an and Hadeeth.

Madrassah Times:

Adult Education (18yrs and over): Every Friday 7pm till 9pm

Children’s Education (ages 5-18): Every Saturday & Sunday 11am till 2pm

For enrolment information please contact:

Head-Teacher – Mrs Mahbuba Siddiqua
Tel: 01745 360467
Mobile: 07873 282402